Ingredients :

Potatos - 6
Cumin Seeds - 1/4 Tea Spoon
Ginger Garlic Paste - 1 Spoon
Garam Masala - 1 Spoon
Turmeric Powder - 1/4 Tea Spoon
Bread Crumbs - for dip
Salt - for taste
Oil - for fry

How to Make:

Boil potatos, peel the skin , mash the same keep it aside.

Put little oil in a kadai and heat it up.

Fry cumin seeds, then add ginger garlic paste, turmeric power, garam masala and salt.

Fry till it turn as brown in color

Add mashed potatoes in that gravy and mix it well.

Make it warm and take little mixture and do the design as you wish.

Once you done all the shapes, dip all of them with bread crumbs and keep it aside for an hour (Let it stick to the potatoes)

Heat the frying pan and place all the dipped potatos in the pan. Apply some oil on all the crunchies and wait till get it in brown, Turn back and do the same for all the crunchies.

Potato Crunchy is read - Serve wiyth Ketchup.


If you want add Chopped onion before you put ginger garlic paste. Let the onion turn in half brown then add the ginger garlic paste.

Should not fry the crunchies immediately once you dipped in the bread crumbs (The crumbs will stick with the pan)


  1. Cool:) Being the one who eat them, I can vouch for the receipe being excellent:)

  2. I like this blog site....whats going to be next on the menu?


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